Genes & Cancer

Dialyl-sulfide with trans-chalcone prevent breast cancer prohibiting SULT1E1 malregulations and oxidant-stress induced HIF1a-MMPs induction

Aarifa Nazmeen1, Sayantani Maiti1 and Smarajit Maiti2,3

1 Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Therapeutics Lab, Oriental Institute of Science and Technology, Midnapore 721101, India

2 Haldia Institute of Health Sciences, ICARE, Haldia, East Midnapore, India

3 AgriCure Biotech Research Society, Midnapore, WB, India

Correspondence to: Smarajit Maiti, email: [email protected]

Keywords: SULT1E1; breast cancer; HIF1-a and MMPs; Dialyl-sulfide and chalcone; MMPs; therapy

Received: April 04, 2024 Accepted: July 26, 2024 Published: August 09, 2024


Background: In some breast cancers, altered estrogen-sulfotransferase (SULT1E1) and its inactivation by oxidative-stress modifies E2 levels. Parallelly, hypoxia-inducible tissue-damaging factors (HIF1α) are induced. The proteins/genes expressions of these factors were verified in human-breast-cancer tissues. SULT1E1 inducing-drugs combinations were tested for their possible protective effects.

Methods: Matrix-metalloproteases (MMP2/9) activity and SULT1E1-HIF1α protein/gene expression (Western-blot/RTPCR) were assessed in breast-cancers versus adjacent-tissues. Oxidant-stress neutralizer, chalcone (trans-1,3-diaryl-2-propen-1-ones) and SULT1E1-inducer pure dialyl-sulfide (garlic; Allium sativum) were tested to prevent cancer causing factors in rat, in-vitro and in-vivo. The antioxidant-enzymes SOD1/catalase/GPx/LDH and matrix-degenerating MMP2/9 activities were assessed (gel-zymogram). Histoarchitecture (HE-staining) and tissue SULT1E1-localization (immuno-histochemistry) were screened. Extensive statistical-analysis were performed.

Results: Human cancer-tissue expresses higher SULT1E1, HIF1α protein/mRNA and lower LDH activity. Increase of MMP2/9 activities commenced tissue damage. However, chalcone and DAS significantly induced SULT1E1 gene/protein, suppressed HIF1α expression, MMP2/9 activities in rat tissues. Correlation and group statistics of t-test suggest significant link of oxidative-stress (MDA) with SULT1E1 (p = 0.006), HIF1α (p = 0.006) protein-expression. The non-protein-thiols showed negative correlation (p = 0.001) with HIF1α. These proteins and SULT1E1-mRNA expressions were significantly higher in tumor (p < 0.05). Correlation data suggest, SULT1E1 is correlated with non-protein-thiols.

Conclusions: Breast cancers associate with SULT1E1, HIF1α and MMPs deregulations. For the first time, we are revealing that advanced cancer tissue with elevated SULT1E1-protein may reactivate in a reducing-state initiated by chalcone, but remain dormant in an oxidative environment. Furthermore, increased SULT1E1 protein synthesis is caused by DAS-induced mRNA expression. The combined effects of the drugs might decrease MMPs and HIF1α expressions. Further studies are necessary.

PII: 237